
Here seasonally-changing course meals are served in the quiet and peaceful back area of the Obusedo Honten store along with the season's fresh chestnut confections.
Restaurant: 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Cafe: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Dinner will be available by reservation for guests staying at Masuichi Kyakuden.
(Obusedo Honten will be our group's only restaurant serving dinner)
* A single course is available
* Service begins from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
To place a reservation,
please contact us by 17:00, two days in advance.
Telephone: 026-247-2027
[Obusedo Honten] |

Please enjoy authentic Italian country cooking in the private box seats, the counter at the open kitchen, or the terrace seats looking out over the chestnut lane.
Breakfast: 7:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Telephone: 026-247-2027
[San Poo Loh] |

A Japanese restaurant which makes wonderful use of the Masuichi-Ichimura Sake Brewery style. It is famous for serving Masuichi's sake, seasonal food and drink, charcoal-grilled Shinshu beef, Japanese seafood, and old-fashioned oven-steamed rice.
*Reopened 19th April 2018.

A piano bar on the second floor of San Poo Loh. Its name comes from the "oni" ridge-end tiles baked from local clay that decorate the room.
This bar is operated by a differernt company from our group.
Please see below for details on opening hours etc.
[Oni Bar] |

The teppa was a place where people would buy and drink measures of sake right at the store. You can taste all the different sake* brewed at Masuichi at the teppa counter set up in the Masuichi Honten store. (*During certain seasons some sake types may be unavailable).
9:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Telephone: 026-247-2011
[Masuichi-Ichimura Sake Brewery] |